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The St. Lucian Quadrille Dancers in Atlanta, Georgia have helped promote and put St. Lucia on the map through their various performances at different events all over Atlanta. The group’s name was chosen so that people would immediately have St. Lucia on their mind. Through their performances, it is their way of bringing awareness to people and putting St. Lucia on the map. Our goal is to raise funds for several charitable causes in St. Lucia.



This history of Quadrille in the Caribbean is traditionally a Euro-centric ballroom dance, taken to the Caribbean in the 19th century by English and French slave traders/masters providing entertainment on social occasions for planters. To save on the expenses of bringing musicians from England, slaves were engaged to provide music for planters’ parties, also due to the small numbers of Europeans, it was common for house-workers to take part in the dances to complete the number of dancers required. They took the dance back to their camps and altered it and gave the music a Caribbean flavor. The court dances of Europe emphasized etiquette, manners and formality, as they were concerned with visual effect and social appreciation. However, the slaves’ version emphasized solidarity and togetherness and regarded enjoyment to be of utmost importance.


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